Welcome to AnthroMed®
The network of Anthroposophic Medicine

AnthroMed® is a non-profit limited private company with the aim of ensuring and further developing the quality of anthroposophic medicine.

AnthroMed® is an international quality trade mark, that stands for integrative medicine for the human being. It is an international network of quality-assured anthroposophic medicine with the aim to ensuring and further developing anthroposophic medicine. 

On this page you will find a directory of AnthroMed® accredited anthroposophic therapists worldwide

AnthroMed® Users at IFAT

Kunsttherapie/Art Therapy
FIFinnland/FinlandAntroposofisen terapian ihdystis ryPDF
Heileurythmie/Eurtyhmy Therapy
FIFinnland/FinlandSuomen eurytmiaterapeutit ryPDF
FRFrankreich/FranceAssociation Eurythmie Thérapie
NLNiederlande/NetherlandsNederlandse Vereniging voor EuritmietherapiePDF
NONorwegen/NorwayEurytmiterapeutforbundet i NorgePDF
NZNeuseeland/New ZealandETANZAPDF
SESchweden/SwedenLäkeeurytmiföreningen i SverigePDF
UKVereinigtes Königreich/United KingdomEurythmy Therapy AssociationPDF
Körpertherapie/Body Therapies
DEDeutschlandBerufsverband Rhythmische Massage/BVRMPDF


In 2007, nine  anthroposophical hospitals, in Germany, were the founding partners of AnthroMed® gGmbH (non-profit limited private company), which registered the brand AnthroMed® as a quality trademark. The aim was to promote clearly defined anthroposophic medicine, its quality, public awareness and its dissemination. 

The development of the brand had been coordinated from the outset with the Medical Section at the Goetheanum, School of Spiritual Science. It was important to the Medical Section that AnthroMed® gGmbH was conceptualised in such a way that it would remain accessible to all interested areas of anthroposophic medicine.

AnthroMed gGmbH is now making the trademark available to all organisations and therapists who, in agreement with the Medical Section, meet the required qualification criteria of anthroposophic medicine according to the corresponding criteria catalogues (criteria catalogue ET/AT/BT).

Legal Documents

The shareholders of AnthroMed gemeinnnützige GmbH (non-profit limited private company) are international associations of anthroposophic medicine:

VAK - Association of Anthroposophic Clinics e. V.
IVAA - International Federation of Anthroposophic Medical Associations
IFAT - International Federation of Anthroposophic Therapies
IAAP - International Association of Anthroposophic Pharmacists

Contact us

AnthroMed gGmbH
In the main office of Integrative Medicine & Health
Kronenstrasse 4
10117 Berlin

Managing Director: Katharina Hein
Office: ++49-(0)30-28 87 70 95